
Growing Your Mane


When I set out to start my natural hair journey, I was looking at getting it grow by volume and length. Some people love their hair short. I preferred to have a real head-turning mane! Talk about making hair your identity, of course after God. Was I impatient for it to grow? You bet!


I could easily have got a ruler or magnifying glass each day to check how longer it had grown. Boy! I was such a funny sight. I would comb the internet daily for the next hair growth serum. I spent all my monies trying to get the wild hair growth the guys on the internet always spoke about.


How can my hair grow to 12-inches in three months? It did sound unbelievable but I remember getting all my savings and buying this wild hair growth oil. I used it religiously for three months and I never saw any change in my hair. It was at that moment that I knew I had been fleeced. My hair had not even grown two inches, it was as short as Pinocchio’s nose before he started telling lies


Having clearly figured out these guys, I took a humble pie and decided to do things from scratch. The first thing I did was to get all the lying oils and threw them in the trash. I did not in any way want to be associated with these fruits of the devil. Next thing was to go and read as much as I could about hair growth. I needed real success stories


I learned that if you needed your hair to grow, then you had to make a deliberate effort to not only take care of it but also give it time. This meant that you had to regularly moisturize, oil, do treatments and wholly work on your edges. Sounds like hard work, right? Yes, it was but what does a girl do? She takes up the challenge


I ensured that I kept my hair in protective styles. I kept my scalp very clean by washing my hair once a week. I deep conditioned my hair twice a month. I ensured that I always slept on a satin pillow. I regularly moisturized my hair and oiled twice a week. I faithfully detangled my hair, strand by strand. I stayed away from the heat and swimming pool water. I did not the chlorine to damage my hair, so I bought a swimming cap


In a space of a year, my mane had a considerable change. It was as healthy as they came; black, moisturized, healthy shrinkage, volume, and a beautiful length. Many years later, I can confidently say that my hair has grown much longer than I hoped it would.


I have learned that hair products that promise instant results in most cases come heavily laden with strong chemicals that later prove to be very disastrous to hair that would otherwise have been healthy. Hair growth also depends on genetic factors. Whereas other people’s hair grows too fast, others’ takes its time but will get a sudden growth spurt and you will be amazed.


Bottom line; simply take care of your care and let nature take its course.


That is the natural hair way!