
My afro, My Identity Continued…..


My first year, after returning back to my natural hair state was quite a hustle. Having had very minimal knowledge about how to take care of and maintain it meant that I got to experience a lot of pain when combing my hair. It was also characterized by a lot of breakage and many visits to the salon to blow-dry the hair


One day, I was going through my news feed and came across an Ad about a natural hair salon. This seemed too good to be true, but I got my small dimes and made my way to Afros n Mo natural hair salon. The stylist who worked on me first asked me if I had done a porosity test. Now please; do not laugh! For the look on my face was an exact replica of a bull in a china shop. I had no idea what a porosity test. The word itself sounded like Greek


The kind girl explained about my hair having low retention for products and explained the need to regularly deep condition it and oiling plus the right way to moisturize the hair. In a span of three months, I had caught on too well. I had a spray bottle always filled with oil and water. I decided to mostly keep my hair in twists. The thing is that I hate to sit for long hours in the salon.


The natural hair twists, perm rods, and spiral rod sets became my dependable companions. I would wear them anywhere and still look good. At first, I was a bit scared to move with the twists but people kept saying how good they looked


By the sixth month of my second year, I had perfected the art of washing my own hair. Whenever I went to the salon, I determined to learn how they did their things. I saw how they detangled, washed, twisted etc. I asked questions and took in every answer like my entire life depended on it. By the end of my second year, my saloon visits had reduced, which meant that my salon bills reduced as well.


I could only go to my salon when I needed to do perm rods or flat twists. I also learned that I could twist my hair by myself overnight and wake up early morning, undo them and I would have a cute afro with a great volume. My length had increased too because I tried all I could to deep condition. My hair porosity got much better


I am almost completing my third year while having natural hair and I believe I now know how to best take care of it. People assume that maintaining natural hair is hard; it really is not. All you have to do is moisturize, moisturize and moisturize. Oil minimally and do protective styles. Find a trusted natural hair salon and make your exact needs be known.


That is the natural hair way, beloved reader!


I do hope that my story will encourage you to take this path or stay on the course just in case you were planning to veer off the path.


Be encouraged!


Miss P